Council member Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) at a cook out he organized to kickoff his reelection bid, also used the occasion to publicly switch his endorsement of the Democratic Party Presidential candidates from Hilary Clinton to Obama.
Evans took the stage with D.C Mayor Adrian Fenty and Council Chairman Vincent C. Gary to announce his switch. He said he decided to make the switch because his ward (Ward 2) overwhelmingly voted for Obama in the District primary, and he wants to see a Democrat in the White House.
"There is an enormous difference in having a Democrat in the White House and a Republican in the White House," Evans said to supporters at the Kennedy Recreation Center, located in the historic neighborhood of Shaw.
Evans said the venue for the kick off of his reelection bid was strategic, because it represents the challenges the city has faced over the years. The Kennedy Recreation Center, one of D.C’s historic was dedicated in 1968 by Robert F. Kennedy on behalf of his brother, John F. Kennedy following the riots in the wake of Martin Luther King's assassination. It gave a lift to the neighborhood, but after several years, the place became dormant, Evans said of the Recreation Center.
Evans described the ongoing renovation at the playground and the face lift in the surrounding environment as revitalization for the neighborhood.
Evans flanked by Mayor Fenty and entourage told supporters that his vision for the neighborhood aligns with the hope of the people of the neighborhood; that is why he is running a campaign on ‘youth and energy.” He vowed to provide the change needed to revitalized the neighborhood.
Mayor Fenty said unlike others who after getting elected become unavailable to their constituents’, Jack Evans remained accessible for 17 years.
Copyright © Musue N. Haddad