Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Random Thoughts: Charles Taylor Breaks Prison, En-route to Monrovia

Dearest Mama,

Did you hear the News? Charles Taylor Broke jail and is en-route to Liberia? I am actually breathing heavily. I have been running, running to send you this telegram since I can not get through the telephone lines to Monrovia.

Mama, you are the first person to hear this news from me. Tell all of the family members and close friends to get out, but please, please whatever you do, do not go to Ghana. Given all the problems between the refugees and Ghanaians, the refugee camp outside of the capital of Ghana, Accra is not an option.

I heard that "intelligence" is keeping Taylor’s prison break a secret because they do not want to create chaos and insecurity in Liberia and the sub region. Perhaps the most important reason for keeping Taylor's escape from prison secret is to protect the image and credibility of the International prison security system and the Special Court.

Mama, do you think Taylor is on his way to Liberia? When I reflect on his last statement before his forcible exile, when he concluded that speech: “And I say, God willing, I will be back. God bless you, and save the state, ” it is obvious that Taylor first destination, whenever he is out of prison is Monrovia.

Prior to that last phrase, ( And I say, God willing, I will be back...) a vowed he made to return to Liberia, Taylor openly said that he did not want to leave Liberia, let alone the presidency that had given him the power and control he had sought for many years. In Taylor’s own word, "I am stepping down from this office of my own volition. No one can take credit for asking me to step down. I did not want to leave this country. I can say I have been forced by the world's superpower."

Also in his departure message, Taylor said, he was fulfilling an old promise: "If I were the problem, which I know you know I'm not, I would step aside ... I would become the sacrificial lamb, I would become the whipping boy that you should live."

In a solemn voice, Taylor added, "I say to you if I have injured or hurt anyone, I ask you to forgive me. Because for those of you who have injured me, I say to you today, this Sunday afternoon, I forgive you." "What is most important is that you live, and that ... there is peace. These are very, very tough times, but I hope that as the international community is here, that our friend the United States who have been the architect of this 'anybody-but-Taylor-policy' ... that they will bring all of the good for you. I wish you all of the good."

Cahrles Taylor also took time in his farewell message to lash at those he considered against his presidency: "If (the Americans) say they will do nothing as long as I am here, this further threatens your survival as a people. I can no longer see you suffer, you have suffered enough. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I will always remember you wherever I am. And I say, God willing, I will be back. God bless you, and save the state."

Mama, you remembered that fateful day Taylor steeped down, or that hot sunday Taylor forcibly left Liberia. When ever I think about the day, his speech comes to mind, I am immediately reminded that he relinqished power with the intention of returning with full force. Imagine the efforts, the risk and lives destroyed just to become president.

After I was told about the escape of Charles Taylor, I thought about two distinct incidents; his escaped in 1985 from the House of Corrections in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and his 2006 disappearance from his Seaside villa in Nigeria where he resided after forcibly sent into exile. According to the Massachusetts House of Correction where Taylor was held, on September 15, 1985, he and four inmates escaped from the jail by sawing through a bar covering a window in an unused laundry room. Eventually all four who escaped with Taylor were captured. Taylor fled the United States.Let’s look at what happened in 2006. According to a statement by the Nigerian government, Charles Taylor disappeared from exiled home on March 28. On March 29th, he Taylor was arrested while trying to cross the border from Nigeria into Cameroon.

Mama, do you think Charles Taylor is actually capable of breaking jail at the moment? If he broke jail, will he come to Monrovia to assemble his old group, or will he form another group in another area? Do you think his old guys or cronies will give him their support at this time? Lets look at the missus, will they abandon their present connection for the “Pappay”? Is he still the King for the Queens?

Mama, this news is just an April Fool. Today is April Fool, or All Fools Day. Unpack the baggage and tell me what the missus and Pappay children and buddies are doing after reading this April Fool. Were they worried to hear that "Pappay" broke jail, or sad?


Copyright © Musue N. Haddad

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