Saturday, March 14, 2009

Random Thoughts: On 61st Birthday, Charles Taylor Hears Prosecution’s last Witnesses in his Case

Dearest Mama,

Hope all is well at your end. Thanks for your note reminding me about Pappay’s (Charles Taylor’s) birthday, and the inauguration of Obama as U.S. President. Before discussing Pappay’s birthday, I really want to say that from where I sit, Obama’s elections and inauguration have left me pondering over two things: Obama Democratic Convention Speech was held on the night 45 years after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a Dream Speech," and Obama’s inauguration took place a day after Martin Luther King's Day in the U.S.A. In the U.S. Martin Luther King’s Day is observed on the third Monday of January, and this year it fell on January 19th, ushering the inauguration of Obama.

Regarding Pappay's birthday, it’s partly because of the birthday I travelled to The Hague to watch the last parts of the prosecution’s witnesses and also see what Taylor was doing for his birthday. The last few days of the prosecution’s presentation was tensed: A man who had both hands hacked off during Sierra Leone's civil war testified, A rape victim testifying against Taylor described her unbearable pain, and journalist Hassan Bility testified against Charles Taylor.

Mama, unlike in the past where Taylor’s birthday was celebrated with pomp and pageantry, this time I got the feeling that Pappay almost forgot his birthday. In fact, when he was reminded about his birthday, Pappay stopped momentarily in his track, stared briefly at what seemed to be the tip of his foot wear, and then he quickly lifted his head and looked far ahead. Mama, before I could read his expressions or connect his actions to facial countenance, Pappay had become aware of his environment and taken on his mode- easy strides and expressionless face as he was being taken to the courtroom.

Mama, while Pappay was in the court room, I found out in my own fashion that the tradition of celebrating birthhdays with showiness doesn't exist at The Hague; at least not in the part of The Hague where Taylor is held. Unlike in the past where Taylor’s birthday was celebrated with pomp and pageantry: songs/music written and sung in his honor; events organized to celebrate his natal day; government offices closed to celebrate his birthday, this time, Pappay spend his day facing victims of atrocities carried out by rebel group and during his administration.

It was awkward to see Pappay- a man who once summoned authority, now without status or authority. As I stood there looking at Pappay, I reflected on the degree of power he once held and wielded as rebel leader and during his years as President of Liberia. You’ll recall that during those days, when Pappay stood up, it seemed the World around him trembled; and when he walked, everything stood still. I can tell you that things are quite different at The Hague. On January 28, 2009, Pappay spend his 61st birthday in prison, reminiscing days of old when his birthday was a national events celebrated with showiness and splendor.

Actually, while en-route to The Hague, I had anticipated that Pappay would have stack of mails containing birthday cards and photographs from some of those we considered his “close’ friends, including the “queens” and “missuses.” Mama, Pappay had only a few pieces of mails in his room – none from his ‘circle of friends.”
When I had the opportunity, I seized the opportunity to ask Pappay about his birthday and his days at The Hague – was he in communication with his friends and families? Pappay paced back and forth, and then briefly held his chin. He responded to my inquiry by giving me a brief lecture: “Betrayal brings about …..anger. That’s because people remember their friends and the happy times they have spent together, and then the idea of betrayal…. At the end of the day, when we sit back, people remember friends who might have hurt them or betrayed them at some point of time.” At that end, Pappay became silent. I then knew that it was time to return home.

Mama, during my trip home, I thought about home- Liberia and the ritual of celebrating presidents’ birthdays as holidays, which over the years became an obsession. Before becoming president of Liberia, Taylor who was still head of his rebel group, together with his supporters converged on Monrovia in January, 1996, and celebrated his 48th birthday in grand style, while those he professed to be liberating were going to bed hungry daily. That tradition of celebrating his birthday in pomp and Pageantry continued throughout his administration.

President William V.S Tubman birthday which was a national holiday was celebrated November 29 of every year. When William R. Tolbert succeeded President Tubman, Tolbert’s birthday on May 13th was also a national holiday. President Samuel Doe continued the legacy; his birthday was May 6 of every year. And so, Charles Taylor’s birthday, January 28 was added to the calendar.

Mama was there any “Happy Birthday” announcement in the newspapers for Charles Taylor? How big was the advert? Was it a full page? Oh, if you see any advert, kindly let me know the size and the sponsor. I am just curious.

Talk to you later.

always, musue

Random Thoughts: Dependency Syndrome - A Society of Predators and Sycophants

Dearest Mama,

I understand your interest in hearing my views on the implications of predators or predation and sycophants on our society. I also received several communications from our compatriots requesting a short discussion on these issues. Personally, I wanted to write on the topic few months ago, but have been preoccupied with getting the claws of predators from my flesh. At the moment, I have large wounds that may take several months to heal.

Mama, let me forewarn you that this is a broad topic, and this communication may not touch on all facets of the issues, but I will attempt to set the premise for future discussions.

“Predator” is mostly associated with conservationism, which is a process where one animal attacks and feeds on another. Sometimes, the predators may or may not kill their prey before feeding on them, but the act or practice of plundering or marauding; or the act of attacking a prey as a means of maintaining life almost always results in the death of that prey. The word sycophant refers to a person who, acting in his or her own self-interest, tries to win favor by flattering people in positions of power, at the cost of his or her own personal pride and in most instances, at the expense of his or her peers.

Mama, when a society has a powerful human (political) predator, life becomes difficult for others, particularly the those that are helpless or unable to fight back. Most human predators are even more cunning than animal predators. Like animals, human predators may hunt actively for prey, or sit and wait for prey to approach within striking distance, and then they pound on them. Most preys are innocent, and struggling to live a simple life. What makes this more challenging for human being prey is that when greed and power comes into play for human predators, their minds operate like animals, and even below the thinking capacity and reasoning of low class animals.
Mama, you will begin to imagine that living in the midst of predator is difficult. I will then add that, if living in the midst of predators is difficult, then imagine what’s happening in our society where predators and sycophants are rubbing shoulders?
Mama, I have experienced the handy works of predators and sycophants. Believe me, when it comes to greed and power, predators and sycophants put aside common sense and reasoning; they move head on without any consideration for the implications of their actions on other human beings, including innocent children. It’s kind of scary looking at some of the consequences of sycophancy, and victims of the predators and sycophants in our society.

Mama, it is sad to see that of all the beautiful things in our world, people can select and become exceptionally good at the art of sycophancy. Imagine the time, resources and efforts they devout to not developing their God given skills and talent that could be used to contribute meaningfully society. No! They spent all the time trying to flatter, and undermine others. It is sad to know that sycophants deliberately prey on colleagues or co-workers who simply desire to uphold and maintain their dignity, rather than engage in flattery. In a world where competition is much more encouraged, while collaboration and coordination is gradually being pushed under the carpet, sycophancy and predation are gradually becoming acceptable norms and practices within some institutions, and communities.

To beef up the practice of sycophancy, almost all acts carried out by sycophants in the world of sycophancy are considered "right," and any attempt by non-sycophants to question such unfair practices will ultimately result to isolation and or intimidation. Quite funny ehn! But the goal here is to protect their territory, and also claim other territories with complete disregard for the implications their actions will have on society, and the generations ahead.

Sycophancy is almost everywhere, and when sycophancy strikes, predator are the 'cleaner." Sycophancy is no longer carried out in subtle manner, we see it when subordinates praise their bosses’ second-rate performance. Even in schools, students pay unnecessary compliments to their teachers in order to secure better grades. I see it when the helpless pay needless respect to their phony “experts” and hierarchs. Look at the way a person, or politicians praise their so-called leaders in spite their unprofessional conducts and corrupt practices; that’s sycophancy. I see it, and you can see it in the advertisements sponsored by an unknown official of some unsuccessful organization applauding someone's unworthy appointment to a position.

Foolishly, sycophancy is grossly displayed when suddenly ‘social justice persons and groups’ start to sing their own praises, trying to draw the attention of some groups and take credit for the hard work of others. It is even cheaply visible when those imprisoned for wrongful deeds try to claim that they are heroes or heroines. And when true heroes or persons who have worked hard to maintain their reputation, or when an independent minded person question unfair practices, sycophants and predators feel challenged, the immediately start pounding. They hurriedly set in place some of their syco- behaviors and preda-tragies to destroy that person’s accomplishments, or the hard earned efforts of such groups.

Mama, I don’t know when sycophancy emerged, but when sycophancy was born, it came with its twin - the predator. And ever since their birth, sycophancy and predation have been walking side by side. Call them the destructive two!

It may be difficult to say exactly the roots of sycophancy, but perhaps, it has to do with the injustices, and the manner our ancestors were forcibly programmed or trained to take on their ‘masters” point of view; their bosses way of thinking; and the concept that "you must always worship the powerful." I say Ah-kay to that! Mama, this “dependency syndrome” is an attitude and way of life that is rapidly becoming embedded in our society.

Mama, when a person engages in sycophancy, they corrupt two major qualities for leading a successful life: their integrity and self-respect. And the self-corruption of a person's integrity, and and that person's dependence on another groups of persons with like mind set in place a cycle, that grows, and grows.

The cycle of sycophancy continues to exist in our society because after a sycophant becomes a leader, he or she is surrounded with sycophants, and there is a birth of more and more sycophants. In that process, predators prey on non sycophants. The elimination of non sycophants and the continual promotion of sycophancy destroys efforts for progress. Moreover, when sycophancy becomes a recurrent practice, it creates a system where ineffective persons are placed, or find themselves as heads of institutions, thereby obstructing development at the institutional and national levels.

Most importantly, upcoming sycophants, or new breeds of sycophants desperate to prove their loyalties and committments to the profession of sycophancy begin to vigorously hunt down non sycophant and independent minded persons as a way of impressing their bosses. Look around you, you will see some of these practices.

The question then becomes, how do we rid our society of sycophancy; how do we discourage the birth of human predation? We must first begin by doing the following:

1) Believing in ourselves by acknowledging and valuing our competence, and ability to progress in life, instead of feeding on another person’s weakness for sweet talk.

2) Recognizing that as human beings, we are entitled to certain inalienable rights. Some of these rights, precisely articulated by United States President Franklin Roosevelt known as the Four Freedoms that humans "everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy: Freedom of speech and expression, Freedom of religion, Freedom from want , Freedom from fear.

Whenever you have an opinion, or want to ask a question, and you are beginning to feel intimidated, remember two things: Believe in yourself, and recognize that by nature of being a human being, you have the right to life, and that includes the four freedoms.

Mama, one last point, which in any case is not the least point is to resist becoming a member of the cheering squad of ineffective leaders and systems. Let us learn to leave our own trails, rather than follow the cataclysm trails of others.

In whatever you do, ask yourself: Am I a [supporter of] sycophant, a predator or a professional seeking to promote good practices, or am I selling my soul to the devil and destroying the lives of others? Let's always remember that, "To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," it may take some time to see the consequences of your action, but it does come, and at the appropriate time.


Random Thoughts: You Have the Power - Be an Agent of Positive Change

Dearest Mama,

Thank you for the wonderful letter. I also received some letters from those at the fireside when you read my New Year’s note. Some of our kinsmen reacted positively to my note. For example, Mr. Sandy in a comment regarding my Random Thoughts letter said, “I like the piece and the creativity used in bringing to fore Liberia's unbridled corruption. I strongly agree with you that corruption in Liberia is a norm or way of life.”

Well, among the respondents expressing alternative views, Mr. Guano, apparently troubled about my comments on corruption said, “I will recommend that since you want to use your dearest mama as a shield to cover up your political reportage, you should not publish it on FrontPage Africa.” Wow! I didn’t realize that Guano was the CZAR Of Journalism, and the regulator of how corruption and other political issues should be reported. When I received Mr. Guano’s letter, unlike his three paragraphs, I wrote a single sentence: “This communication is to acknowledge that your e-mail was received.” As to what I am doing regarding his letter of ultimatum, this is exactly what I am doing: writing!

Mama, you can only imagine what would have happened if Mr. Goaho had the final say about my communication to you and others. It’s kind of scary how some people use their power, but then it’s even terrifying when those who don’t have power begin sending out clues depicting how they will use power. Mama, how do you describe such forceful and uncontrollable feelings that manifest in such manner – just simple letter to you on New Year’s resolution and corruption that provokes such feeling? Is it embedded rage, anger, wrath or something else?

Wrath almost the same as rage and anger falls almost within the same category, and they have the same, or almost the same meaning. They are feelings that can manifest as a result of rejection of the truth and also the desire to settle scores outside of the confines of the law. In most cases, someone with such rage or anger can show displaced aggression – that is the rage or anger is vented against someone or a group of people who are not directly a cause of the person’s anger.

Mama, an example of such wrath was displayed during the war in Liberia. You remembered how people were killed – some randomly and others targeted. In both cases some of those engaged in such acts were enacting their own form of justice, because they believed that the authorities didn’t or wouldn’t respond to the cause of their rage.

Another recent display of such wrath or rage occurring in Monrovia is the stance taken by citizens against “armed robbers”. We read recently that citizens are beating and physically assaulting and sometimes killing “thieves” and “armed robbers.” According to reports from Monrovia, citizens are ignoring the law and have decided to take on their form of justice because of what they consider insufficient response by authorities in curtailing robberies in Monrovia. The reaction by citizens falls within the category of rage and anger.

Mama, as we move from one point to the next in life, we will meet people who will push our last button; we will also find ourselves in situations where we will not be judged by our capabilities, but by our looks or other factors; we may even meet people who will despise us just because of who we are.

How we respond to such situations? The manner in which we handle our feelings during such situations or afterwards determines who we are. Ask yourself how will you treat a waitress, an unattractive person, an innocent child, someone outside your (political, racial, social, etc) circle, a bus driver, or a homeless person after you've been treated unfairly by others? Do you hold grudge and display anger or rage later?

Mama, I quite remembered you telling me that my response to others after such experiences determines my ability to control the development and growth of hatred and anger that lie dormant in all of us. I have seen it, and I have felt it Mama, and I know it - our everyday actions determine our character. We all make mistakes along the way, but what is our general pattern? That is the question we should ask ourselves as individually and as a people. At home, our partner, children, and family members will do something that upsets us at some point. It is how we respond to what our partner, our friends and colleagues do that defines what type of colleagues or partners we are.

I have also seen people (forcibly) influencing others into accepting and supporting their idea and beliefs. This force of will is almost always temporary, because people do mature, or sometimes they will someday have a taste of freedom, after which they will realize that they have been manipulated. This realization of how they have been exploited tend to create confusion and friction. Mama, we have seen this in Liberia and other societies- many people blindly accept what they are told by others, including those in positions of authority, be it in political, religious and educational positions. I believe that we should always use our mind, our intelligence, our reasoning and intellect to analyze and dissect situations, theories, and the ideas shared by others to determine whether or not something is true. This position can be challenging, it has been for me – I am not a conformist, believe me, it has been difficult for me, and it is still challenging. I rather think for myself and question others than swallow everything, which ultimately breeds hate, anger and wrath inside of us after recognizing how others manipulate and suppress our abilities to use our basic senses.

Mama, kindly inform all of our people out there that they should not believe that they "don’t know who they are" and therefore must wear the identity of others. No, No! We should remember that it is the authorities - the political, the religious, the educational authorities who educated our forefathers and mothers by giving them orders, rules, regulations, informing, forming in their minds their view of reality. It is this forced view of reality that shut the minds of our forefathers, pushing them in a state of dormancy, and ignorance, and when that little light flickered, rage and anger set in.

Let’s remember that an idle mind is a fertile ground for rage and hate. Let’s nurture our creativity so that we can become agents of positive change!


Random Thought: Reflecting on '09 Resolutions: Are They Within Our Range?

Dearest Mama,

Hello, hello, hello. The spirit of the New Year is already in me.

Are you feeling it already? I hope so. Well, in the U.S.A, people are saying that that the spirit of 09 started with the political change that resulted to the elections of Barack Obama as President of the United States. Well, it’s New Year, and most people are making resolutions for 2009. I just gathered that some people are mixing small and large wishes for the New Year.

Some people’s resolutions are that Obama will overturn the financial crisis in the U.S.A, and polish the image of the U.S.A abroad. A Liberian on the East Coast in the United States wishes to complete his studies with flying colors; another wishes to find a “soul mate;” while one man sitting cozily near his wife wishes for three things this year: Peace in the Middle East, take his wife on a cruise to the Caribbean, and an end to Corruption in Liberia. I almost wanted to ask this man; why of all the other romantic places in the World he is keen on taking his wife to the Caribbean.

My interest in knowing why he wants a cruise to the Caribbean isn’t because I am inquisitive, (maybe just tiny winy curious), but after he mentioned an end to corruption in Liberia, I stood up, used my hands to stroke the imaginary dust off my ‘behind’ and walked away. I couldn’t help thinking, “end to corruption in Liberia.” Does this man even understand how long corruption has existed in Liberia? Does he understand that corruption is deeply entrenched in that society? As I began playing the mind game with myself- picturing the different corrupt practices, and how people have come to see those practices as a way of life, I wanted to make a U turn to this man’s home. My intention was to just explain some of the corrupt practices and why it may be impossible that that particular wish- end to corruption was almost impossible in 2009.

As I stood there contemplating whether I should make that U turn, I started giggling. I quickly looked around, hoping that passersby don’t see me. If people saw me standing there alone and laughing, they would begin making ugly assumptions. I didn’t want that. So I pulled out my cell phone, held it to my ear, pretending that I was on the phone. And I laughed to my delight. It was fun laughing, and being able to successfully con the nosy passersby. Mama, you want to know why I was laughing. I was laughing at all the trickery attitudes of some of our people back home. You know, during those days, I mean before I crossed the ocean, I heard many stories of how some government officials had to back down on promises to weed out corruption from certain institutions, or withdraw their intention to take stance on certain undemocratic practices. These officials would announce that they would get rid of people engaged in corrupt practices.

Sometimes these officials would be almost specific about areas where they would focus on tackling corrupt or unfair practices. But guess what, after making those big announcements, at night they would then be reminded about their own direct and indirect roles in fueling those corrupt practices. Take for example, Mr. Man, or Madam Woman is the Boss of a certain institution. This Boss sends a note to the Port, directing that a certain item or a container is released without going through appropriate inspection. Tax is also waived on this item. After some time, Director of Port also goes to Mr. /Madam Boss to “assist” with passing certain papers through the system. No question asked; the paper goes through the system quickly. Then one day, this Boss wants to take action against the Director of the Port for being inefficient. Is it possible for Mr. or Madam Boss to take punitive action against the Director of the Port? If you are the Director of the Port, what will you do? This act of ‘looking out for one another,” also called, “you wash my back and I scrub your back,” is just one of the practices that fuels corrupt practices, allowing it to become a part of the norms within institutions. So, when people are making New Year wishes, perhaps we should start asking ourselves whether our resolutions and wishes for the year are within our range.

If we are making wishes for corruption to end in Liberia, can we be sure that the officials are also making resolutions to stop dispensing funds from the national coffers for their personal use? Picture this: Mr. or Mrs. Boss is sitting in Liberia, strategizing how much to steal from the national coffers, while you are sitting at another end of the World, wishing that corruption ends in Liberia for 2009. Who is closer to your target: You, or the Boss who is not only closer to the target, but already alert and waiting to pound on the target, as always, and again and again.

Well, to get rid of corruption, government will have to institute measures that will curb and remove some of the conditions that nurture and breed corruption within the Liberian society. The preventive measures against corruption will have to be concurrently initiated, and simultaneously carried out in various public institutions; they must be accompanied by stern actions against those who flout regulations aimed at curbing corrupt practices. Curtailing corruption in Liberia will definitely take a lot of work. Measures will have to be put in place to clamp down on the existence of ‘network' where certain self- interested persons continue to use their connections through this network to preserve their status without merit. Let’s ask ourselves whether that is possible within 2009. Is it? Can that really happen when even at this moment, people are floating gifts from one parts of the city to the next for the New Year to give government official. Just listen keenly, you will hear goats bleating because they are being dragged against their will, chickens chuckling, sheep baaing, ignitions of large small, and all colors of vehicles scurried across the city of Monrovia.

Well, Mama, for me, you already know my most important wish and resolution for 2009. Second to that is to do more writing. I know I had the same resolution last year - to write more than ever, but I wasn't able to, but I am hopeful this year, maybe because I can stand, beat my chest and say that I witnessed the beginning of a new era. Oh, by the way, I heard that Mr. Putor’s resolution is to increase his income for the New Year so that he can sustain his lifestyle – take care of his official family at his home, and also maintain his “lil” girlfriend.

Mr. Man lil girlfriend has threatened to leave him if he doesn’t buy her gold set, (necklace, earrings, and bracelet), in addition to releasing her suits from Mr. Abu, the tailor. Mr. Man said last year, he also made a resolution to live a decent life; that is to stop the infidelity, but he said he cannot resist the “lil girl.” “Every time I see her, he said, “My heart beats kutu, kutu, kuuutu, kuuutuuu.” Poor man, hope he doesn’t get heart attack. Mama, so what’s your resolution?

Resolution is all about admitting whatever mistakes we made and completing the old year with a promise, which is the resolution to change or do things differently during the New Year. To that end, with my precious jewel at my side, I’ll say: Any where the new year finds you, and whatever you are doing during the New Year, I hope the beautiful star that bring in the New Year fills your heart and your home with happiness. Happy New Year!
