Saturday, March 14, 2009

Random Thoughts: Dependency Syndrome - A Society of Predators and Sycophants

Dearest Mama,

I understand your interest in hearing my views on the implications of predators or predation and sycophants on our society. I also received several communications from our compatriots requesting a short discussion on these issues. Personally, I wanted to write on the topic few months ago, but have been preoccupied with getting the claws of predators from my flesh. At the moment, I have large wounds that may take several months to heal.

Mama, let me forewarn you that this is a broad topic, and this communication may not touch on all facets of the issues, but I will attempt to set the premise for future discussions.

“Predator” is mostly associated with conservationism, which is a process where one animal attacks and feeds on another. Sometimes, the predators may or may not kill their prey before feeding on them, but the act or practice of plundering or marauding; or the act of attacking a prey as a means of maintaining life almost always results in the death of that prey. The word sycophant refers to a person who, acting in his or her own self-interest, tries to win favor by flattering people in positions of power, at the cost of his or her own personal pride and in most instances, at the expense of his or her peers.

Mama, when a society has a powerful human (political) predator, life becomes difficult for others, particularly the those that are helpless or unable to fight back. Most human predators are even more cunning than animal predators. Like animals, human predators may hunt actively for prey, or sit and wait for prey to approach within striking distance, and then they pound on them. Most preys are innocent, and struggling to live a simple life. What makes this more challenging for human being prey is that when greed and power comes into play for human predators, their minds operate like animals, and even below the thinking capacity and reasoning of low class animals.
Mama, you will begin to imagine that living in the midst of predator is difficult. I will then add that, if living in the midst of predators is difficult, then imagine what’s happening in our society where predators and sycophants are rubbing shoulders?
Mama, I have experienced the handy works of predators and sycophants. Believe me, when it comes to greed and power, predators and sycophants put aside common sense and reasoning; they move head on without any consideration for the implications of their actions on other human beings, including innocent children. It’s kind of scary looking at some of the consequences of sycophancy, and victims of the predators and sycophants in our society.

Mama, it is sad to see that of all the beautiful things in our world, people can select and become exceptionally good at the art of sycophancy. Imagine the time, resources and efforts they devout to not developing their God given skills and talent that could be used to contribute meaningfully society. No! They spent all the time trying to flatter, and undermine others. It is sad to know that sycophants deliberately prey on colleagues or co-workers who simply desire to uphold and maintain their dignity, rather than engage in flattery. In a world where competition is much more encouraged, while collaboration and coordination is gradually being pushed under the carpet, sycophancy and predation are gradually becoming acceptable norms and practices within some institutions, and communities.

To beef up the practice of sycophancy, almost all acts carried out by sycophants in the world of sycophancy are considered "right," and any attempt by non-sycophants to question such unfair practices will ultimately result to isolation and or intimidation. Quite funny ehn! But the goal here is to protect their territory, and also claim other territories with complete disregard for the implications their actions will have on society, and the generations ahead.

Sycophancy is almost everywhere, and when sycophancy strikes, predator are the 'cleaner." Sycophancy is no longer carried out in subtle manner, we see it when subordinates praise their bosses’ second-rate performance. Even in schools, students pay unnecessary compliments to their teachers in order to secure better grades. I see it when the helpless pay needless respect to their phony “experts” and hierarchs. Look at the way a person, or politicians praise their so-called leaders in spite their unprofessional conducts and corrupt practices; that’s sycophancy. I see it, and you can see it in the advertisements sponsored by an unknown official of some unsuccessful organization applauding someone's unworthy appointment to a position.

Foolishly, sycophancy is grossly displayed when suddenly ‘social justice persons and groups’ start to sing their own praises, trying to draw the attention of some groups and take credit for the hard work of others. It is even cheaply visible when those imprisoned for wrongful deeds try to claim that they are heroes or heroines. And when true heroes or persons who have worked hard to maintain their reputation, or when an independent minded person question unfair practices, sycophants and predators feel challenged, the immediately start pounding. They hurriedly set in place some of their syco- behaviors and preda-tragies to destroy that person’s accomplishments, or the hard earned efforts of such groups.

Mama, I don’t know when sycophancy emerged, but when sycophancy was born, it came with its twin - the predator. And ever since their birth, sycophancy and predation have been walking side by side. Call them the destructive two!

It may be difficult to say exactly the roots of sycophancy, but perhaps, it has to do with the injustices, and the manner our ancestors were forcibly programmed or trained to take on their ‘masters” point of view; their bosses way of thinking; and the concept that "you must always worship the powerful." I say Ah-kay to that! Mama, this “dependency syndrome” is an attitude and way of life that is rapidly becoming embedded in our society.

Mama, when a person engages in sycophancy, they corrupt two major qualities for leading a successful life: their integrity and self-respect. And the self-corruption of a person's integrity, and and that person's dependence on another groups of persons with like mind set in place a cycle, that grows, and grows.

The cycle of sycophancy continues to exist in our society because after a sycophant becomes a leader, he or she is surrounded with sycophants, and there is a birth of more and more sycophants. In that process, predators prey on non sycophants. The elimination of non sycophants and the continual promotion of sycophancy destroys efforts for progress. Moreover, when sycophancy becomes a recurrent practice, it creates a system where ineffective persons are placed, or find themselves as heads of institutions, thereby obstructing development at the institutional and national levels.

Most importantly, upcoming sycophants, or new breeds of sycophants desperate to prove their loyalties and committments to the profession of sycophancy begin to vigorously hunt down non sycophant and independent minded persons as a way of impressing their bosses. Look around you, you will see some of these practices.

The question then becomes, how do we rid our society of sycophancy; how do we discourage the birth of human predation? We must first begin by doing the following:

1) Believing in ourselves by acknowledging and valuing our competence, and ability to progress in life, instead of feeding on another person’s weakness for sweet talk.

2) Recognizing that as human beings, we are entitled to certain inalienable rights. Some of these rights, precisely articulated by United States President Franklin Roosevelt known as the Four Freedoms that humans "everywhere in the world" ought to enjoy: Freedom of speech and expression, Freedom of religion, Freedom from want , Freedom from fear.

Whenever you have an opinion, or want to ask a question, and you are beginning to feel intimidated, remember two things: Believe in yourself, and recognize that by nature of being a human being, you have the right to life, and that includes the four freedoms.

Mama, one last point, which in any case is not the least point is to resist becoming a member of the cheering squad of ineffective leaders and systems. Let us learn to leave our own trails, rather than follow the cataclysm trails of others.

In whatever you do, ask yourself: Am I a [supporter of] sycophant, a predator or a professional seeking to promote good practices, or am I selling my soul to the devil and destroying the lives of others? Let's always remember that, "To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," it may take some time to see the consequences of your action, but it does come, and at the appropriate time.


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